497 SW Marine Dr #447, Vancouver, BC V5X 0C7

How to design a homepage?

home page design

If you want to design a website for your business or you want to know how you can attract more visitors to your website, the best thing to do is to start from the “home page”. when designing a website, it should be noted that an attractive website is not necessarily complicated, but can be based on a systematic and logical basis. a well designed website or home page does not need much extra features.

When visitors enter your website, whatever page they are on, they usually find and enter the home page option. They want to know do you do and what is your website about? Therefore, on the home page you should immediately introduce your products or services. in other words, Your home page is arguably the most important page on your website. Because this page will be the first page your website visitors will visit. And the first feeling they have towards it is very important. Your home page should not be about your business because it is the business itself. It is like the first feeling when meeting someone, so you must make sure that your home page is properly designed and has the necessary functionality.But what should your home page content include ?are there any do and donts? In fact, there is no special formula for this. You have a lot of different choices. But here is a checklist of required items that can be useful for you.

Why is home page design important?

Suppose you are walking in a shopping center. What is the first thing that attracts you to a store? An attractive showcase!… Having a beautiful home page is considered to be an efficient as a showcase in attracting the audience. when you enter the store and you start talking to the seller, he or she may want you to spend more time in the store. The principles of designing the home page of the website are the same. it is all about having an attractive showcase and a guide content on the home page that is not time-consuming! in this way the user might take a look at your next pages.

An effective design and compliance with the principles of website design and SEO can provide users with the information they need.

What content should be on the home page?

We’ve all had the experience of visiting a website and hitting the back button or closing the page because we couldn’t find what we were looking for within seconds.lets be honest, most of us conditionally expect to find what we are looking for in a short period of time. When your visitors reach the home page, they will decide to stay on the website or leave it in a few seconds.and now you know that how the design of your home page affects this decision. the decision of the customers in the long run will affect Your business.

To put it very simply, the design of your home page is divided into the following two parts:

Above-the-fold: This term is traditionally used for the first page of the newspaper and means the content that you can see without scrolling down the page.

Below-the-fold: the content that user have to Scroll down to see.

so it can said that 100% of your visitors will see the content at the top of the page. according to statistics, as soon as you move to the bottom of the page, the number of people paying attention to your content decreases drastically. For this reason, it is very important what content is placed on the top and bottom of your home page.

home page design

What features should the home page include?


The first thing that visitors pay attention to, is the logo. the logo is better to be placed on the top left of the page.

Site menu

Creating a menu helps visitors quickly find the sections they are interested in.


The most important part of your website is the home page title. A website should tell visitors what product or service the business offers within three seconds. This is where the title should come in. keep it as short and as simple as possible. three words titles are great and remember it is the most important part of your website.

User login section

Does your site offer services? Or do you need to provide access for a certain number of visitors? If so, for this section for users, the login section, is a very nice idea.

background photo

Most people are intuitive. make sure you use a photo (or a short video) to showcase your work. It is better to use photos that affects your audience emotions and be reactive.To optimize your photos for mobile users, use photos that are Eye-catching large or small sized.

Work samples

Does your business offer a product or service that can be illustrated with photos, descriptions? If so, the portfolio is what visitors want to see more than anything else.

Features and benefits

If the purpose of your website is to sell something, you can increase your chances of making a sale by describing the features and benefits of your product on the home page.

Search capability

If you have various pages on your website, create a search field on the home page. The search feature allows visitors to access the content they want very easily and quickly.

Call to action button

The home page of your site should have several call to action (CTA) statements. Create a clear button and place it on the background image or create a clear and simple logo and place it to the right – preferably before the page needs to be scrolled down.


Another effective way to attract visitors through the home page is to create an attractive offer. Your choices for this section are endless.for example a discount or coupon can be a very persuasive offer.

How should we present our offer?

A form in the background photo
A line on the home page
Displaying an ad (which leads to a landing page or form)

your customers comments

This section has a great impact on building trust. so just create a place on your home page that you can dedicate to this section. You can do this in the following ways:

Customer logo or customer success stories
Certifications and letters of appreciation
Number of satisfied customers, ratings, subscribers and…
Press reference
Reviews and ratings


The vast majority of online stores are also content marketers and content publishers. When visitors visit your home page and blog for the first time, the interaction between you and the visitors increases and you get more subscribers as a result.

To get the most out of your blog, it’s best to use one or more of the following techniques:

  1. Display the latest articles with a brief description: display one or more recent posts along with the title, main photo and some description.
  2. Display article titles: Your home page can have links to popular articles, new articles, or both.
  3. some websites dedicate most parts of the home page to articles. Of course, this method does not work for everyone, but it is useful for some companies.


Like the header, your homepage footer is a necessary feature. it is better to create a practical and simple footer.

The elements of the footer can include the following:

how to Contact
Map or location
Social network icons and widgets
Registration form
Awards or certifications
Blog post summary
A final call button

Links to your social media accounts

If you want people to follow and encourage your company on social media, it is better to place social media buttons on the home page of your site. this button should be placed in a fixed and conventional place, so that they can be easily accessed when needed. (e.g. in the header and footer).

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