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Number of keywords in the production of SEO content

Number of keywords in the production of SEO content

Choosing the right keyword is one of the cornerstones of a practical and effective content strategy. The high importance of keywords in SEO content has led to many misconceptions about how exactly they affect them. One of these misconceptions is the repetition of the keyword in the text, which is increasingly debated.

What is a keyword?

As we said, the most important issue in a site’s SEO is choosing the right keywords that are relevant to the site’s strategy and theme. The best definitions of keywords are as follows:

Keywords are the words that users search on Google to get the results they want faster. These words contain phrases that best describe a subject.

As you know, the web (Internet) in all areas can provide useful information to its users. But this feature is not always an advantage; Because in some cases, it may provide users with information that people published on the web several years ago. This old information can confuse users.

This sentence means that if a novice intends to learn something on the web, he will definitely make a mistake by reading this old material. But here the causal construction of this article can be seen after a few years.

Impact of keywords on SEO content

Proper use of keywords makes Google bots better understand that content and rank it higher. As a result, the keyword can be a factor in increasing website traffic and directing more users to your site.

Keyword performance is very simple but effective at the same time. When users search for a word or phrase on Google, they see a list of related websites in the search results. We have to say that the website that ranks first has the most relevant SEO content with the search word of that user.

Types of keywords

There are many types of keywords and people who are mostly involved in SEO and content production should know this. Keyword types are:

  1. Long keywords
  2. Short keywords

Long keywords

Key words long or Long Tail Keywords  include words that are more than three words. This phrase is used as a keyword in the content, which is always the phrase that most users search for.

Short keywords

Short keywords,  known as the  Short tail Keyword, contain a maximum of 3 words.

Number of keywords in the production of SEO content

Where do misconceptions about keywords come from?

The web is the best place to find useful and valuable information in various fields. One of the wonders of the Internet is that almost nothing is lost on it! This means that we can easily see the specifications of products that were discontinued 15 years ago with a simple search!

But this advantage is a big problem in the web space.

You ask why?

To arrive at the answer, you must consider the following hypothetical situation:

A person who is just beginning to learn SEO enters the article by searching for the results, in which it is written that repeating the keyword in the article will make Google bots better see your content and consider a higher position for it.

But the problem is that this article is from the year 2000!

At this time, performing such techniques had a positive effect on SEO, but these methods gradually became known as black hat SEO tricks and gradually lost their effectiveness.

Do you understand now why we said such a thing to you? Because the correct use of keywords is one of the topics that has undergone many changes over time, and the use of information that has been written for a long time, can lead you in the wrong direction.

Now that you understand the root of these problems, we want to take a step forward and talk about keyword repetition in the modern age.

Repetition of the keyword in the text is the biggest mistake in the history of SEO principles in content production!

The big secret that remained in our hearts from the beginning of the article is:

Keyword density is no longer one of the influential factors in SEO. For Google, it does not matter if you repeat your word 10 times in the article or 5 times. The more important issue is how readable your text is from the user’s point of view .

If too much repetition makes your text look like a machine, you have not produced good content. Otherwise, Google has nothing to do with you.

What made Google so accurate in understanding search terms?

Google’s artificial intelligence algorithms provided the basis for this understanding.

To better understand the path of Google search engine intelligence , we suggest you read the articles below in order and then continue this article.

Hummingbird Algorithm : Google, using its knowledge graph, understands the meaning of the user’s search term and responds to the user on the same results page.

Rankbrain Algorithm :  Google monitors the user’s behavior when searching and gives them the best results by analyzing them.

Burt algorithm :  Burt is Google’s latest and most important achievement in understanding human speech language using artificial intelligence technology.

Consider the same article. As you read the sentences and titles, you will easily realize that the article is about “keyword repetition”. But we did not repeat this phrase 20 times in our post to let Google know what the text is about. However, you can see that this article ranks well on the results page.

Why is that? Because this article first of all pays attention to the user’s needs and this is a very important priority for Google.

What to do instead of repeating the keyword?

Until a few years ago, keyword repetition was the most important factor in gaining a place in search results. Due to the increasing number of SEOs and the declining quality of textual content on the Internet, Google’s algorithms have replaced keyword concept with keyword analysis in page subject analysis.

Google can now distinguish similar terms such as “redirect and redirect”, “price and cost”, SEO and “seo”. This means that the richer your literature and the more words and combinations you use to express the concept, the better your chances of getting a place in search results.

Using synonyms and words in the same family makes your text more beautiful from the user’s point of view because you did not repeat a word several times in your text.

What should be the number of keyword repetitions in the article?

According to the contract law of many webmasters, the keyword density must be 3% of the content of the article. But this rule is now obsolete and the presence of the target word is enough for 3 to 5 times in the text. You can use family words, meanings, and descriptive phrases to increase the effectiveness of your keywords and Google’s understanding of the page content.

Number of keywords in the production of SEO content

How to calculate the density of keywords in a text?

To calculate keyword density, you need to calculate the percentage of use of a keyword or phrase relative to the total number of keywords in a page. In a website SEO, keyword density is a factor in determining the relevance of a page’s text to the main keyword. Many webmasters estimate keyword density to be between 1 and 3% of the total content of a page; But if this number exceeds the norm, Google will identify the entire page as spam.

How to calculate keyword density in your content?

With the help of the following formula, you can calculate the density of keywords in your content to avoid overuse.

Keyword density calculation formula:  ( Nkr / Tkn * 100)

In this formula, Nkr is the number of repetitions of a keyword in the content and Tkn is the total number of content words. This way we can calculate the density of keywords in the text.

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