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What is Reverse Marketing?

What is Reverse Marketing?

Undoubtedly, marketing in various fields today is one of the most important topics that is studied by many experts. that’s why some companies and groups review and implement various strategies to increase sales and also create a market to offer their products and services. Reverse marketing, allows a manager or business owner to attract customers and audiences to their business not by persuading and imposing an idea but by their own desire.

If you have a limited business such as a juice shop, restaurant, or you are a florist, etc., to achieve your desired goal, you must use strategies that are suitable for your business situation and context.

In recent years, various types of strategies in different categories have been presented with numerous examples, some are used for large and international businesses and, of course, others for limited and small businesses; that they can make huge changes in improving the conditions and development of the desired business to an extent.

One of the most important marketing strategies is reverse marketing, which we will fully examine its concept and, most importantly, its applications.

What is Reverse Advertising?

Reverse marketing is a type of marketing in which instead of the marketer, company looking for the customer or the consumer, the customer is encouraged to look for the company or product.

The strategy of this type of marketing is inspired by reverse psychology. In this way, we first draw their attention to our product by taking a targeted position towards the customer, and then we sell it.

Sometimes this type of advertising can attract the user’s attention in a different way and there is a high chance that the person will become a customer of your brand.

Overview of Reverse Marketing

To get acquainted with reverse marketing in the first place, you should pay attention to the following points; The purpose of implementing this strategy is not only to increase sales but also to encourage the customer and audience to reach your business or brand by their own free will.

It can therefore be said that this style is somewhat directly related to psychology; The well-known term “reverse psychology” can be used to define it precisely. This type of strategy generally covers the following important issues:

  • With the help of this strategy, the customer will voluntarily seek your products or services and advertising by the marketer has no place in this method.
  • Having the accurate and correct information is a key point in this type of marketing.
  • This type of marketing can be considered as a free consultation that provides the necessary information to customers and audiences.
  • In this case, customers’ attention will be attracted to your business brand.
  • Customer loyalty is a key item for business success, which is greatly enhanced by reverse-style marketing.
  • Branding and introducing the business done by this strategy is done correctly and with high effectiveness.

When it comes to large and limited businesses, there are undoubtedly several methods and techniques for marketing. And Advertising strategies can have a significant impact on increasing online sales.

In addition, a variety of macro strategies related to business management can be used to introduce new products and services of a collection, inform your audience about changes and updates, build trust and introduce the brand.

Reverse marketing is one of the newest and most effective strategies that without the knowledge of customers and audiences no one can use to market.

to have a deeper mindset and a full understanding of the problem you can consider Older methods of retrieval. In this type of strategy, the goal is only to sell the product; It does not matter if the product is a good choice for the customer or not.

In reverse marketing, however, the situation is the opposite and the goal is for the customer to buy the product of their choice.

Reverse marketing applications

For a simpler explanation of this unique strategy, we will examine 3 important goals and its application.

1- Avoid useless purchases

One of the most important benefits of reverse style retrieval is its emphasis on avoiding useless and thoughtless purchases.

In other words, by this type of marketing, you are telling your audience and customers what their chosen product is used for and whether they should buy it at all or not? No doubt you have heard the phrase “Black Friday”, which can usually be found in European countries; Of course, this type of market has been seen all around the world in recent years.

On Black Friday, some brands and companies sell their products and services at a significant discount at an auction. In fact, the source of reverse marketing is this Black Friday.

By using reverse marketing, the customer will have to think in the first place and then make a purchase. However, in the traditional methods, most of which are now obsolete, only the customer was forced to buy.

To give a clear example of reverse marketing, you can consider buying a toothpaste. Different types of toothpaste have been produced and marketed according to the customer’s purpose and conditions.

When a customer is buying, can you say whether the product is an ideal option to meet customer needs or not? Even when necessary, it should be explained that this product can harm the customer. At first glance, this type of performance may certainly cause the customer to lose, but in reality, it is not.

According to psychology, the client will trust you after hearing such statements and will actually consider your questions and statements as professional advice out of compassion.

This encourages customers to make wise choices and purchases. As a product manager or salesperson, you avoid pushing the customer to buy from you. while at the same time you are providing the customer with numerous convenient options among your products, you are building complete trust.

2- Removing obstacles and solving problems

One of the most important uses of reverse marketing is to remove barriers and solve problems for customers. To do this, you must first identify the customer’s main problem and challenge and focus on it; Then find a solution for them. For example, imagine you are working as one of the brands that produce all kinds of cosmetics.

Most “Beauty” collections and companies resort to exaggerated claims and advertisements to increase the sales of their products.

In reverse marketing, however, the goal is to maintain the beauty of users in the most natural way possible. In this regard, when the customer intends to buy a particular product, you as a sympathetic seller can ask the following questions and content.

  • In your opinion, which part of your skin or face is not as beautiful and ideal as it should be?
  • You have beautiful, flawless skin; Of course, you can keep your skin fresh by using the right products.
  • We recommend that you keep your beautiful skin in a natural state; Because you do not need to change it.

By hearing the above, customers will undoubtedly become aware that your main goal is not to sell a high product but to understand the main concern of the customer and provide the best product according to his conditions.

In this case, you will be able to turn your potential customers into regular and loyal customers without the need for advertising, and only by building trust, you can succeed in selling. Of course, it should be noted that in this strategy, the main goal is to solve the main problem of the customer and build trust in this way.

3- Progress, but not at any cost

As repeatedly explained in the previous sections, the main purpose of reverse marketing is to persuade customers to buy the right product of their own free will.

Perhaps in this regard, the company may take some actions, that their policy moves away from the important issue of profitability and revenue generation and move more towards meeting the needs of users and customers.

For example, there are several companies around the world whose main goal is to meet the needs of people with mental and physical disabilities and like that.

Their activities are mostly in the field of medicine and treatment, which results in helping patients and those around them. In such cases, the company or brand clearly states its main goal, which is a commitment to customer health. This amount of commitment and sacrifice can create the best possible state of trust in customers to buy products.

A few examples of reverse marketing in today’s world

Dove’s Real Beauty campaign, which specializes in the production of cosmetics, focused on women’s natural beauty instead of direct advertising. In this way, by using real female models, they promoted natural beauty as a value in women’s appearance.

Patagonia is also a well-known company in the field of production and sale of clothing. In the Don’t Buy This campaign, the company, which was formed around Black Friday, advised its customers to think twice about buying products and not to rush into a decision.

“Do not buy this” did not mean not to buy the company’s products, but it was a slogan for customers to choose the best product to buy with full knowledge and careful review.

Another pharmaceutical company is Swati Spentose. The company launched a campaign to support people with rare diseases.

The foundation used reverse advertising to win the trust of consumers by promising that they are responsible and committed to the health of our patients.

Advantages and disadvantages of reverse marketing method

By now you are fully acquainted with the reverse advertising method and how it works. For a better review in this section, we will describe the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Advantages of Reverse Marketing

  • choosing The best choice: Due to providing complete and appropriate information about the products, the customer has the ability to choose the best product by comparing and measuring the criteria.
  • prioritizing the customer needs: According to the various methods mentioned in the product supply, this method makes customers feel more valuable.
  • More credibility to the company: ‌ The more the company is popular with the customer, the more customer they have. and the higher company’s credibility and position will be.
  • More profitability: With increasing popularity and credibility with the customer, the demand for products increases and leads to the development and growth of the company and thus higher revenue.

Disadvantages of Using Reverse Marketing

  • This marketing method is not suitable for start-ups and inexperienced people to sell new products.
  • There is a possibility of negative and critical feedback after the successful presentation of the product.

How to Build a Successful Reverse Marketing Campaign

Building a successful reverse marketing campaign requires careful thinking and strategy building. Here are some things to keep in mind when using a reverse marketing campaign:

1- Have an accurate assessment of the current image of the business and the target customer. Once you understand this, try to understand what is valuable to the target audience.

2- Tell them about your product or service as soon as you know enough about the previous point.

3- Close the sale after you give the customer something of value.


The main purpose of reverse marketing strategy is to build trust, meet the needs and solve the problem of customers. Implementation of these items creates the ground for the customer to buy the desired product with confidence. But the important thing is that the psychology of this strategy basically builds customer trust and loyalty to your business at its best.

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