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What is RankBrain Algorithm?

What is RankBrain Algorithm ?

Another Google algorithm that was first presented on October 26, 2015, and can be considered part of the Hummingbird algorithm is RankBrain algorithm. The algorithm is actually a machine learning system that helps Google better understand the meaning of requests and show the user better results. The last update to this algorithm was on March 14, 2021.

What is RankBrain algorithm?

In response to this question, the RankBrain algorithm is Google’s newest solution for better data processing and displaying the best results and ranking them. In October 2015, Google officially introduced RankBrain, which is an adjunct algorithm for hummingbirds.

RankBrain is a new technology based on artificial intelligence (AI) designed using machine learning algorithms or Machine Learning. Machine learning also means that a computer learns how something works spontaneously instead of being trained by humans or using programs with precise technical details.

Machine learning algorithms examine and analyze existing data as a part of thier process and use artificial intelligence to try to learn and learn from their results and experiments, in simpler language using machine learning algorithms and combining it with artificial intelligence, computers and search engines learn newer things every day and become smarter.

Investigating the performance of the RankBrain’s algorithm

Before the creation of the RankBrain algorithm, Google’s engineering team had set up a mathematical algorithm that would determine the position of search results and, regardless of periodic updates, had almost a constant trend, while RankBrain’s algorithm is constantly changing and learning.

With the use of Rankbrain algorithm, information provided to the user have the most similarity possible to the searched expression. this algorithm can learn and recognize new patterns and is more advanced than the hummingbird algorithm, and has better performance in modifying search results.

According to Google’s official statement, RankBrain’s algorithm is responsible for responding to 15 percent of all online searches and is one of the most important signals determining the status and ranking of sites. Rankbrain algorithm is currently the third most influential factor in determining the results and responding to user search requests and ranking sites.

1- Identifying the key concept based on the search term

RankBrain’s algorithm uses artificial intelligence to convert a high volume of data into understandable vectors for computers, and when it sees a word or phrase that it is not familiar with, it starts to guess that word and compare it to similar phrases.

RankBrsin’s algorithm looks at the words in the user’s search and interprets the meaning of words. Then, by examining the user’s geographic area, the search history, the interests that the user has shown (information that has access to your smartphone and searches on the Internet) and some of these points, and using other factors (200 factors introduced by Google) rank the search results for displaying on Google’s front page. So, in other words, we can say that;

RankBrain’s algorithm is a model for interpreting user-searched expression.

2- Check users’ behavior after displaying search results

RankBrin’s performance is not limited to identifying the user’s intended concept, but also after displaying the search results, it tries to check user’s satisfaction with what has been displayed. In fact, the user’s behavior on the search results page helps this algorithm to better understand the concept and determine the ranking of search results accordingly.

When a search is performed on Google, RankBrain’s algorithm starts to check the user’s behavior and the position of the pages. In this process, the search term, user profile, and results displayed by Google are stored. In the next step, the sites selected by the user and the time of the user’s presence in each of them will be checked and finally, the satisfaction of these pages will be measured.

A user’s behavior is not the only important factor for Google, but the same process is repeated for thousands of other users and is decided on changing the ranking of results based on the information gathered.

What information does RankBrain collect and review?

Investigating the rank-brain algorithm and its impact on search results helps us to identify practical and effective strategies for gaining a better position. In this section, we will try to show you some important factors for the rankBrain algorithm.

1- Conceptualization and answering user questions

The importance of content produced on sites is undeniable, and perhaps it is better to introduce the content of the page as the most important factor affecting SEO. Using content production techniques and observing conceptualism in the text, any site can reach the top of the search results!

Of course, don’t forget that we mean valuable content, not the abundance or number of contents! In the production process, you need to create goal-driven content, meet a new need, or provide an even more complete response to the needs of the users. Your content should be in a way that impresses the audience and receives feedback by creating a sense of interaction. RankBrain’s algorithm focuses on such topics and your site ranking is influenced by these factors.

Choosing the right topics for content, observing conceptualism in the text, and recognizing the standards of responsive content are taught accurately and practically in SEO strategy and Vancouver SEO content production.

2- Factors affecting user satisfaction before entering the page

In addition to the quality of the content, other factors are considered to determine the user’s satisfaction within the content of the page. For example, when a user performs a search using their mobile phone, Google tries to offer them pages that have a good view in smaller sizes. As a result, the responsive design of the site will be one of the factors affecting the user’s satisfaction with the page.

Before your site is displayed to the user, things such as screen load speed, a better display on mobile and tablet, compliance with coding standards, and beautiful and functional design will be reviewed by Google.

3- evaluating user satisfaction during searching

RankBrain tries to accompany the user all the way, from the beginning of the search to the end when they find the answer they want, and improve the search results based on his behavior. As a result, this one of the most important factors in user satisfaction with the results that have been displayed to him.

On google’s front page, 10 sites are usually offered to the user, which according to their title and description the user decides which one to choose. The number of users choosing a site is usually determined by an invoice called CTR. In fact, CTR is the number of clicks on each result divided by the total number of searches performed in it.

In addition to CTR, the user’s time on the selected site (Dwell Time) and the phrase that searches on their return to Google are also checked by RankBrain. These invoices will indicate the level of user satisfaction of a site.

Identifying these factors and optimizing the site to increase the CTR rate and dwell time can have a huge impact on your position in subsequent searches.

4- Periodically checking users’ satisfaction of the content

Another way to determine user satisfaction with the content of the page is to periodically review the changes made to it. For example, if the number of comments registered on a page is high, it can be said that users have been satisfied with the content provided there and have communicated well with that page.

As a result, RankBrain’s algorithm periodically checks internet pages and checks the amount of sharing on social networks, the number of external links to the page, comments posted by users, and the privilege they have given to its content. The more users interact with your site, the more chance you will have of gaining a place in the search results.

5- Phrases used for internal and external link building

anchor text is the word or phrase you use to create links between two pages of the Internet. For more information about the types and how to use them, you can read the (what is Anchor Text) article.

One of Google’s ways to understand the topic of the page is by checking how is the website linked to other web pages. In other words, when another site links to your page with the phrase “buy a laptop”, google announces that the subject of this page is the purchase of a laptop. Many SEO experts try to create different links from other sites for their site, but generally, their focus is to use a specific phrase for link building.

As we should use conceptualization and the use of phrases with the same meaning to describe the topic of the page in writing content, we should also pay attention to these issues in link building. The more variety of phrases linked to a page (with the same theme and concept), the higher your chances of gaining a place in search results.

Change your approach to using long keywords. Using such an approach and using a rankbrain algorithm, Google will best understand the topic and content of your site. This also allows you to rank on single words over time.

6- Observing writing standards and simplification principles

The most egregious mistake of many authors and administrators of many sites is that articles are either very complex! They write as if the purpose of producing content is to write text for Google and not for the user! This makes it impossible to get a good place in Google rankings. Google has become much smarter than ever before using the Hummingbird algorithm and the addition of rank-brain algorithm to it.

always try to write simple and smooth content so that even beginner users can understand it. Entries without spelling mistakes and simple expressions will soon take place on Google.

Using H1 to H6 tags, choosing the right titles, prolonging the content (1500 words and more), using keywords in alt images, using under the heading and numbering, and videos, and correcting grammatical and written errors are all among the things that are reviewed by Rank Brain’s algorithm.

How has RankBrain algorithm affected Google’s search page?

So far, we have found that the rankbrain algorithm plays an important role in ranking the results and identifying the concept of users. The information collected by the algorithm has helped Google add new features to the search results page. These sections help users get their answers without leaving Google. Here are some examples of it.

1- featured snippets

In some searches, we see that at the top of the search page there is a content box that usually has a user’s question answer as a list. This is called featured snippet or Google Rank 0.

The site that is placed in the zero ranks is one of the 10 sites displayed on Google’s front page. Google usually uses a zero-position display for searches that have question mode.

There is no Detailed information about the process of selecting sites and content for displaying in the zero-rating, but usually, sites that are displayed in this section has very high credibility and has examined the case step by step to answear a question in their content.

2- People also search for

When you select one of the search results and then return to the same page of the search results again, a separate box will be displayed under that screen that displays the phrases associated with the topic you searched for.

In this case, RankBrain’s algorithm has found that you have not received your final response by visiting that page and need more detailed searches. As a result, based on the phrase you searched for and the page you selected, it will give you new options.

3- People also ask

In many searches, which means questioning a question, a different box is displayed to users, including searches related to the topic you are looking for. By selecting each of them, short content from the answer to the same question and a link for more information will be displayed.

This section is also collected and displayed using the rankBrain algorithm and based on other searches performed by users.

In conclusion:

RankBrain’s algorithm now mostly focuses on checking users’ behavior and displaying search results based on criteria such as site return rates, user presence time on the page, CTR click rates, etc. To get the best results, it is enough to produce valuable content for your users in a simple and understandable language, and analyze and optimize their behavior when you log in or visit the page.

Keep in mind that the rankBrain algorithm, despite nearly three years of introduction, is still in the trial and error stages and continues to take steps to improve efficiency.

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