“Google search algorithm has become a ruin, it’s time to heal.” This is the controversial and dangerous headline of the Business Insider newspaper, which was published in 2011. The headline caused a great deal of concern for Google, prompting a response to the Panda algorithm on February 23, 2011. In the following part of this article, we want to find out about these questions: what is the Panda algorithm? What is its mission and what effect does it have on SEO? What is the purpose of its introduction?
Introduction of Panda Algorithm
In this section, in order to answer the question, what is the Panda algorithm?, We need to go back a little bit. By the end of 2010, the web world had become a terrific low-quality content farm. Most users were dissatisfied with the fact that they came across thousands of low quality websites to search for a phrase.
Unprofessional SEOs also turned websites into a source of duplicate content, and Business Insider reacted to the poor state of the websites and user dissatisfaction. The Panda algorithm was introduced by Google as a powerful tool for improving the content of the web world, and its name is inspired by the name of one of its creators (Navneet Panda).
Investigation of the performance of the powerful Panda algorithm
After explaining the basic knowledge of this algorithm, in this section we will examine the performance of the Panda algorithm. Imagine a panda who is calm, quiet, attentive, and strict, whose mission is to carefully study the content of websites. Panda has nothing to do with the technical principles of the website, he is only hired to analyze the content of the websites and he does his job in the best possible way.
It is interesting to know that a few months after the application of the Panda algorithm, 11.8% of Google results changed dramatically. This number requires SEOs to seriously investigate the performance of the Panda algorithm and its effect on the SEO website.
A professional SEO should know that Panda loves to read and anything that bothers him while reading is dangerous for his SEO site. Pop-ups that are constantly displayed while reading, excessive ads, duplicate and poor quality content, inappropriate phrases, misspellings, very short or very long texts are all considered negative scores in Panda algorithm. They will be fined by Google.
After examining the performance of the Panda algorithm and its effect on the SEO site, we obtained the following results:
According to statistics in 2011, websites that met the following conditions had a sharp drop in Google results, or in other words, were penalized by Panda.
– They used annoying and excessive advertising banners on their web pages.
– They used inappropriate metatags and tags on their website.
– They used broken links and anything that leads the audience to an irrelevant page.
– They had turned their website into a source of poor quality and duplicate content.
– Websites that have a very short audience time and this is a sign of poor quality of their content.
Will the Panda algorithm condone the websites it has penalized?
If your website is one of those sites where you occasionally use articles or news from other websites to increase your site traffic along with your own content, and you are fined by the Panda algorithm, the only way out is to use the following solution:
+Quickly remove your penalty pages from Google search results using the Remove URL tool in Google Search Consol.
+Modify your irrelevant content and think about producing quality and dedicated content. In this case, you can hope to return to your previous position.
But if your website is full of duplicate and poor quality content and there is no page that provides users with fresh and quality information on your website, it is better to think of another website and redesign and Upload that according to the basic rules of SEO. Because there is no way for you to escape the Panda fine.
One of the great features of Panda Algorithm is that it gives a positive rating to a website if it likes it. In addition to penalizing poor websites and tackling poor quality content, Panda encourages websites that have put a lot of time and effort into producing standard content and orders their improvement.
SEO designer should note that Panda is waiting for a new article to be published. Content that he enjoys reading, so he should not provoke his anger by repeating consecutive keywords and invalid links, or in other words, using black hat SEO techniques.
The things that this algorithm handles are:
-Duplicate content
-Content copied or compiled from other websites
-Short or low volume content
-Spam created by the user
-Excessive use of the keyword
-Poor user experience (UX)
Optimization for the Panda algorithm
- Examine the site for duplicate content: This is one of the most common driving of the Panda algorithm. So it is recommended to check the website content regularly to make sure there is no such problem. If you cannot remove duplicate pages for good reason, use a 301 redirect or canonical tag. Another solution is to block those pages with a txt file or noindex Meta tag.
- Check Content for Copy: Another driving of Panda algorithm is duplicate external content, or in fact copy from other websites.
- Avoid creating pages with low content: I mean pages whose content includes a small number of words and high ads and links and give little information to the user. Of course, it is important to note that the number of keywords appropriate for each content depends on the purpose of the page and the keyword intended for it.
- Examine your site for overuse of keywords: Optimizing more than one page for a keyword reduces the quality and readability of the content.
- Fix the problems and issues identified as soon as possible: It is better to fix the problems until this algorithm is sensitive on your site and has not checked the pages.
When it comes to content production, it is important to be familiar with the Panda algorithm and to fully understand how it works. SEO experts in Vancouver, under the supervision of Vancouver SEO Company with full mastery of all Google algorithms and using the latest methods in the world in producing principled and standard content for your website are ready to serve you.
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