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What is Conversion Rate used for?

What is conversion rate used for?

Today, most marketing teams focus on directing traffic to websites in the hope that this traffic will eventually lead to a purchase, known as a conversion rate. This cycle is always repeated and eventually the business grows.
While this may seem like a simple and easy way to look at marketing books, it does work for most marketing teams and businesses.

Conversion rates in online businesses

You might think that online businesses do not need to be optimized, because all buyers are simply looking for specific products with a specific budget.
There is a general perception that if someone clicks on a small business website, they are already ready and willing to buy something, so this conversion is easy.
But this kind of thinking is wrong. In many cases, small businesses need conversion rate optimization more than any other online business.
A website that is difficult to navigate and navigate does not seem reliable, or if at first glance it does not seem valuable to your page visitor, the visitor will leave the page, even if he already intends to buy. Does not add your product to your cart.
The importance of conversion rate optimization for online businesses is that it allows them to make the most of site traffic and earn more revenue effectively without spending more money on optimization or customer acquisition. Here are some reasons why conversion rates are important for online businesses.

Reasons why conversion rates are important for online businesses

Costs per click

By now you have probably noticed that the cost per click has increased significantly.
The high demand that has arisen is the main factor in increasing costs. This is a simple economic issue, but it makes it harder to make money.
Paying per click used to be the best way to get attention for new and small businesses when search engine optimization, but this option is becoming more and more difficult to achieve, especially if not all clicks are sold.
Online businesses are also seeing an increase in their advertising budgets while conversion rates in online stores based on digital commerce are declining.
This is where conversion rate optimization helps you get the most clicks, so costs are actually reduced.

Online competition

There are many online businesses out there that compete with you for more customers. Big and successful businesses like Amazon are threatening the small business market.
This means that if you want to turn your page visitors into customers, you need to design a website that is easy to use and automatically directs visitors to the actions you want to take (purchase or subscribe to the newsletter). . The more competitors you have, the more you have to compete and get better. Conversion optimization has the advantage of allowing you to outperform others in this competition.

The effects of social networks

What is Conversion Rate used for?

Social networks (such as  Facebook ,  Twitter , Instagram and  Pinterest ) are a great place to market and connect with new and current customers. By being present in social networks, it is possible to increase the penetration rate among users and increase loyalty among customers.
Social media also increases the number of visits to the website, thereby attracting the attention of users and then turning them into customers.
Conversion rate optimization is important because it allows you to reduce your customer acquisition costs by getting more value from your existing visitors and users. By optimizing your conversion rate, you can increase revenue per visitor, gain more customers, and grow your business.
For example, if a landing page has a conversion rate of 10% and has 2,000 visitors per month, then it generates 200 conversions per month on this page. If you can increase the conversion rate to 15% by optimizing the various elements of this page, the number of conversions that occur per month will increase to 50 to 300.
There is always room for improvement in conversion rates, and the best companies are constantly improving their site and applications to create a better experience for their users and increase conversion rates.

What is the conversion rate and how is it calculated?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) or (Conversion rate optimization) is actually the percentage of visitors who have done a certain thing.
For example, this might be completing a form on a website, registering for a service, or purchasing a product.
The conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions (the number of users who have completed a particular action) by the number of visitors and multiplying this number by 100 to obtain a percentage.
Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of improving your website and content to boost conversions (the number of users who have completed a particular action). A high conversion rate means that your website is well designed, effectively formatted and attractive to your target audience.
The conversion rate optimization process allows you to increase the number of leads (in the marketing world of potential customers or potential users known as leads) with high qualifications, increase your revenue, reduce your purchasing costs, Get more value from your potential and current customers and simply grow better.
Conversion or production may occur throughout your website (e.g. homepage, shopping page, blog, landing page, etc.). As a business, you want your website to be designed in such a way that it converts website visitors into customers who buy. With so much potential throughout your website space, you need to optimize each section to enable conversion.

Conversion rate refers to the number of people who reach your goal from the total audience of your website or business.

Factors affecting the conversion rate

In this section, we will examine the factors that play an important role in optimizing the conversion rate of your website:

  • Call To Action: Ask yourself if the call to action on your website is  clear  and easily accessible to visitors? Calling for action is not a strange thing. This is the button you see in most campaigns, ads and web pages. Buttons clickable and inside text persuasive to click a written like:  “Click Now” ,  “Buy It Now” ,  “Right now I teach “,  “Free sign up” ,  “same Book now ”  and….

Graphic Appearance (UI) : Is the  visual and graphic content of  your website relevant, unique and engaging and in the right place? Or is the amount of visual content too much and more annoying than appealing?

User Experience: (UX)  Consider your website. Can visitors easily find what they want on your website? If you are selling online, is it easy for them to go through the shopping process? For the conversions you measure, how many times does each visitor click or how many pages do they pass? Is your website suitable for mobile use? Design your website so that  navigation, search, registration, contact information and payment are easily accessible to visitors  .

Building trust : Do blockers on your website feel secure? Can they trust your website as a reputable site and even pay you?

Content : An important part of conversion rate optimization is related to the content of your website. From the text of product pages and articles to instructional videos, pictures and…

Social Verification : In your opinion, when a user wants to make a purchase on your site or provide you with an email at all; Is it able to trust you? You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?

Well, before we get to the end of the article, let’s take another look at the factors that affect the site conversion rate:

  1. Suggested Value:In the customer’s mind, what are the benefits of working with you? These benefits and costs make up your value proposition.
  2. Relevance:How close is your website content to what your audience expects? To what extent does your value proposition match the needs of your audience?
  3. Clarity: How clearly is yourvalue proposition, main message, and call to action?
  4. Trust:Are there (or do not) factors in your website that cause the audience to lose trust?
  5. Note:What is the first thing you see on your pages? You know that a multi-pixel image with small text at the bottom can not attract the attention of the audience.
  6. Necessity:Why should your audience take special action at this time? What suggestions, motivations, words and methods make them take the action you want as soon as possible? For example, a discount code, a timed offer, and…
What is Conversion Rate used for?

Three ways to increase conversion rates

  1. Examine how people interact with the site.

If you do not understand how users interact with your site, you can hardly improve your conversion rate.
But how do you see how visitors interact with your site?
With web analytics tools, you can record user activity on your page and then view their movements. If they leave a form half-finished, reject the offer, what space are they clicking on?
In addition, these tools provide you with thermal drawings of the website.

2. Design appropriate  call to  actions

A good opportunity to increase the conversion rate is to use a call to action (calling the user to do something). You can use Call to Action to encourage downloading of a file, sharing a file on social media, or subscribing to a newsletter.
You should use call-to-actions throughout the website and landing pages, and these pages should be easy to access and well-designed.
Typically, each landing page has a call to action, which is repeated several times on the page.
For example, a blog post may have up to three calls in action that make an offer. You can use one call to action at the bottom of the page, one call to action in the text and one call to action as a pop-up.
The main thing is to know that you can use the call in actions anywhere on the page.

  1. Meet the expectations of the audience

When someone clicks on your site after reading your meta description on Google or seeing an ad you posted on a search engine, your landing page should be a continuation of the search engine content.

You should also introduce the same promises you made in the ads on this page. For example, if a user sees a post about conversion rate improvement from your website on Google, they expect to find ways to improve conversion rates. If the user clicks on the link and your landing page displays pictures of animals, the user will be confused.

If the landing page does not provide the information that the user came to your site to find, these visitors will not become users or customers. For this reason, you should publish the offers you want on the landing page Introduce, think, plan, and ultimately implement.

If your landing page does not convert, search your posts on social media, search engine descriptions, and see if you keep your promises to your users.

Introduce three tools to improve conversion rate

What is Conversion Rate used for?

You need to know what your conversion rate is, does it work well or not? Your site conversion rate can vary greatly depending on your field of activity, your target audience, the type of product or service you offer. 

Therefore, there is no fixed figure for it.
You can use many ready-made tools to increase the conversion rate of your website.
Here are three tools to improve your conversion rate.

  1. Google Analytics

As you probably know, Google is by far the leader in search engines, servers and keyword searches. Google Analytics can also provide you with useful information to improve your conversion rate.

For example, it tells you what device your users are visiting your site with, or information such as user demographics or how long it takes for each user to leave your site, provides backlink resources . Google Analytics may not provide you with detailed information, but the biggest advantage is that this Google tool is free.

2. HubSpot

If you are already using the HubSpot marketing automation platform, this is a great tool for you. Some of the features of this tool are completely free. HubSpot software allows you to design pop-ups for your site without any coding, and its information is synchronized with CRM HubSpot.

Using the Data  Hub spot  at your disposal, you can see deeper into the behavior and user interaction, and contacts with your website and about the future prospects of better. With an easy and simple dashboard you can see the conversions that are happening on your site and as a result you can improve the conversion rate.

  1. Hodger

Hodger  allows you to record user movements on the site, and you can also use Hedger to access thermal drawings, and you can monitor user interaction on the site. This platform gives you a lot of training options, Hotger costs $ 29 per month.

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